Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Fig. 2.36 Densities and transformation in Example 2.6.7. ( a ) Input PDF. ( b ) Transformation.
( c ) Output PDF
is monotone, there is a unique correspondence between X and Y , and each value of X
corresponds to only one value of Y , resulting in:
Pfy i g¼Pfx i g
f Y ðyÞ¼ X
Pfy i gdðy y i Þ;
F Y ðyÞ¼ X
Pfy i guðy y i Þ;
y i ¼ gðx i Þ:
For the nonmonotone transformation, N values of the random variable X gener-
ally correspond to only one value of the random variable Y , where N is an integer,
Y ¼ y i
if X ¼ x 1 ;
or X ¼ x 2 ;
... X ¼ x N :
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