Digital Signal Processing Reference
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For the interval 1< x <a , we have:
PfX xg¼ 0
1< x <a:
From ( 2.27 )to( 2.29 ), we arrive at:
1< x <
x 2
F X ðxÞ¼
2 x 6
< x <1:
This distribution is shown in Fig. 2.10b . Note that this distribution function
does not have jumps like the distribution of a discrete variable ( 2.24 ).
The distribution of a mixed random variable has one or more jumps and the
continuous part. To this end, it is possible to write the distribution of a mixed
random variable [THO71, pp. 50-51] as:
F X ðxÞ¼aF c ðxÞþF d ðxÞ;
where F c is a distribution of the continuous variable and F d is a distribution of the
discrete random variable, and
0 a 1
a ¼ 1 X
PfX ¼ x i g:
The proof can be found in [THO71, pp. 50-51].
A distribution where a ¼ 0 corresponds to a discrete r.v., while a distribution
where a ¼ 1 corresponds to a continuous r.v.
Example 2.2.4 In this example, we will illustrate the distribution of a mixed
random variable X ; which has one discrete value in x ¼ 2 with the probability
P {2} ¼ 1/3 and the continuous interval 2 < x < 6 (as shown in Fig. 2.11a ).
Fig. 2.11 Illustration of the distribution in Example 2.2.4
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