Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Using the characteristics of the delta function from ( 2.72 ), we arrive at:
2 e jo 0 t
1 þðo 0
2 e jo 0 t
1 þðo 0
e jo 0 t
þ e jo 0 t
ðo 0
2 þ ð o 0 T Þ
ðo 0
R YY ðtÞ¼
1 þðo 0
ðo 0
2 cos ðo 0 tÞ:
ð 7
172 Þ
1 þðo 0
The autocorrelation function ( 7.171 ) does not have a constant
term and
EYðtfg¼ 0
The variance is:
ðtÞ EYðtfg¼ EY 2
ðtÞ ¼ R YY ð 0 Þ¼ ð o 0 T Þ
s YY ¼ EY 2
2 :
1 þðo 0
The obtained results ( 7.173 ) and ( 7.174 ) are equal to the results ( 7.168 ) and
( 7.170 ), respectively.
Exercise E.7.11 If the input process X ( t ) from Exercise E.7.9 has a Gaussian PDF
what will be the PDF of the output process Y ( t )?
Answer Since the input process is subjected to a LTI filtering, it follows that the
input Gaussian process is subjected to a linear transformation. As a consequence,
the output process is also a Gaussian process (see Sect. 4.3 ).
The process Y ( t ) is a WS stationary (with a constant mean and autocorrelation
function that depends only on t ) and, consequently, its PDF is independent of time.
This means that the PDF of the output process is:
; s YY Þ:
f Y ðyÞ¼Nð 0
where the variance is given in ( 7.174 ).
Exercise E.7.12 Consider that the input to the RC filter shown in Fig. 7.27 is a
white noise with the PSD S XX ( o ) ¼ N 0 /2. Find the PSD and the autocorrelation
function of the process at the output of the filter.
Fig. 7.27 RC filter in
Exercise E.7.12
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