Digital Signal Processing Reference
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The obtained result shows that the autocorrelation function is also a periodic
function with the same period T .
(b) Next, we consider a process which has the periodic component A cos( o 0 t + y )
(the same as in (a)) and a zero-mean, nonperiodic component X 0 ( t ),
XðtÞ¼A cos ðo 0 t þ yÞþX 0 ðtÞ:
Both components are independent.
The autocorrelation function is:
R XX ðtÞ¼XðtÞXðt þ tÞ¼ A cos ðo 0 t þ yÞþX 0 ðtÞ
A cos ðo 0 ðt þ tÞþyÞþX 0 ðt þ tÞ
A 2
A 2
cos ðo 0 t o 0 t o 0 tÞþ
cos o 0 ð 2 t þ tÞþy
Þ þ X 0 ðtÞX 0 ðt þ tÞ
þ X 0 ðtÞA cos o 0 ðt þ tÞþy
Þ þ A cos ðo 0 t þ yÞX 0 ðt þ tÞ:
Knowing that the components of the process are independent, and using the
results from ( 6.62 ), we arrive at:
A 2
R XX ðtÞ¼
cos o 0 t þ R X 0 X 0 ðtÞ:
The obtained result again shows that the autocorrelation function has a periodic
component with the same period as does a periodic component of the process.
(c) Finally, we consider a case in which the process has two independent periodic
components with periods T 1 and T 2 ,
XðtÞ¼A 1 cos ðo 1 t þ yÞþA 2 cos ðo 2 t þ yÞ;
where A 1 , A 2 , o 1 , o 2 are constants, y is a uniform random variable in the range
[0, 2 p ], o 1 ¼ 2 p / T 1 , and o 2 ¼ 2 p / T 2 .
The autocorrelation function is:
R XX ðtÞ¼Ef A 1 cos ðo 1 t þ yÞþA 2 cos ðo 2 t þ yÞ
A 1 cos o 1 ðt þ tÞþy
Þ þ A 2 cos o 2 ðt þ tÞþy
Using the result described in the case (a) we can easily obtain:
A 1
A 2 2
R XX ðtÞ¼
cos o 1 t þ
cos o 2 t:
The obtained result shows that the autocorrelation function of the sum of
independent periodic components is equal to the sum of the autocorrelation
functions of the same periodic components.
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