Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Answer The exponential random variable X describes the time between two suc-
cessive Poisson events. The random variable Y is then:
Y ¼ X=
f Y ðyÞ¼ 2 f X ð 2 yÞ¼ 2 l e 2 ly
for y>
f Y ðyÞ¼ 0 for y<
Exercise 5.11 Find the probability of error in a detecting binary signals “0” and
“1” in an impulse noise X which is described using a Laplace PDF:
5e jxj
f X ðxÞ¼ 0
; 1<x<1:
The probability that signals “0” and “1” are sent is equal to ½.
Answer The received signal is:
v ¼ s þ x;
where the signal s is
when ''1'' is sent
s ¼
: :
when ''0'' is sent
Therefore, the received signal is:
V þ x;
when ''1'' is sent
v ¼
when ''0'' is sent
If “1” was sent, the corresponding PDF is:
5e jvVj
f vj 1 ðvÞ¼ 0
Similarly, if “0” was sent, the received signal is only impulse noise and the PDF is:
5e jvj
f vj 0 ðvÞ¼ 0
The intersection of the PDFs corresponds to the value of V /2 for the received
The following rule is applied:
When a received signal is higher than V /2, the decision is made that “1” was sent.
When a received signal is less than V /2, the decision is made that “0” was sent.
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