Digital Signal Processing Reference
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If the random variables X 1 and X 2 are independent, then the joint characteristic
function of their sum is equal to the product of the marginal characteristic functions,
f Y ðoÞ¼f X 1 ðoÞf X 2 ðoÞ:
This result can be applied for the sum of N independent random variables X i ,
Y ¼ X
X i :
The joint characteristic function of ( 3.202 )is
f Y ðoÞ¼ Y
f X i ðoÞ:
Example 3.5.1 Find the characteristic function of the random variable Y , where
Y ¼ aX 1 þ bX 2
and where X 1 , and X 2 are independent.
Solution Using (2.386) and the definition of the characteristic function ( 3.194 ) and
the condition of independence ( 3.201 ), we have:
f Y ðoÞ¼Ef e joðaX 1 þbX 2 Þ g¼Ef e joaX 1
gEf e jobX 2
g¼f X 1 ðaoÞf X 2 ðboÞ:
Example 3.5.2 The random variables X 1 and X 2 are independent. Find the joint
characteristic function of the variables X and Y , as given in the following equations:
X ¼ X 1 þ 2 X 2 ;
Y ¼ 2 X 1 þ X 2 :
Solution From the definition ( 3.194 ), and using ( 3.206 ), we have:
f XY ðo 1 ; o 2 Þ¼Ef e jðo 1 Xþo 2 Y
g¼Ef e jo 1 ðX 1 þ 2 X 2 Þþjo 2 ð 2 X 1 þX 2 Þ g
¼ Ef e jX 1 ðo 1 þ 2 o 2 ÞþjX 2 ð 2 o 1 þo 2 Þ g:
Knowing that the random variables X 1 and X 2 are independent from ( 3.207 ) and
( 3.201 ), we arrive at:
f XY ðo 1 ; o 2 Þ¼Ef e jX 1 ðo 1 þ 2 o 2 Þ gEf e jX 2 ð 2 o 1 þo 2 Þ g
¼ f X 1 ðo 1 þ 2 o 2 Þf X 2 ð 2 o 1 þ o 2 Þ:
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