Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Any subset of the sample space S is called an event and denoted with capital
letters ( A , B , etc.). Thus, the event for the voltage measurement can be A ¼ { v >
In the die rolling experiment the event can be, for example, the occurrence of even
number of dots,
A ¼f 2
6 g:
Note that an outcome can also be an event. For example, in the sample space
( 1.1 ), the event is either H, or T (i.e., A ¼ {H} is the event that “heads” occurred).
Similarly, B ¼ {T} is the event that “tails” occurred in the experiment.
An event that has no sample points is called a null event .
Figure 1.3 illustrates a Venn diagram representation of a sample space S , with
the element s i and events A 1 , A 2 , and A 3 .
Example 1.1.1 A coin is tossed until either “heads” or “tails” appears twice in
succession. Find the sample space S and its subset which corresponds to the event
A ¼ {“No more than three tosses are necessary”}.
Solution The sample space is formed by the outcomes of two “heads” denoted by
H, or two “tails,” denoted by T, independent of the number of tosses.
Two tosses:
s 1 ¼f H
H g;
s 2 ¼f T
T g;
Three tosses:
s 3 ¼f T
H g;
s 4 ¼f H
T g;
Four tosses:
s 5 ¼f H
H g;
s 6 ¼f T
T g;
Fig. 1.3 Venn diagram illustration of sample space S , element s i and events A 1 , A 2 , and A 3
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