Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.5
LSP SAR grid with single row details form
Requirement Specifi cation (URS). The developer therefore has to build
what is described in the document instead of talking directly to the users
and seeing them in action in the environment in which the system is going
to be used.
Lundbeck Research Informatics uses another approach, without any
business analysts or any other type of translators and without any URS
documents. All members of the team are code-producing and in order for
them to understand what is needed they will visit the relevant scientists,
see them in action and learn their workfl ow. This way the programmers
can, with their own eyes, see what the scientists need to do, what data
they require and what output they create. When asked to identify their
requirements, users may reply 'what we have now, only bigger and faster'.
Users naturally do not see a completely new solution they did not know
existed, when they are deep into their current way of doing things. Do
not build what they want, but what they need. It is evident that users are
not always right!
This way of working naturally requires skilled people with domain
knowledge as well as programming skills. They all constantly need to
monitor the external communities for new relevant tools, incorporate the
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