Biomedical Engineering Reference
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handled correctly, it can be used to create many relevant tools [39]. There
are a lot of useful javascript-based visualisations and plug-ins on the web
that are easy to incorporate into LSP, making the front-end attractive as
well as interactive with several different ways to display the relevant data
to the scientists.
1.9 Who uses LSP today?
Years of experience have shown that creating something new for users, in
a new technology that is only slightly better than what they currently use
is not the road to success. Users do not seem to think the new technology
is as exciting as do the development team! For the LSP deployment it was
decided to only involve the users when LSP would give them something
new or greatly improve what they already had.
The fi rst piece deployed to a larger group was our interactive (real
time) MedChem Designer (Figure 1.3). The medicinal chemists responsible
for designing pre-clinical compounds are able to draw structures that the
system will submit to a property calculator and return the results in easy
readable visualisations. The response time is instant, meaning as soon as
the chemists change the structure in any way the properties will be
updated. This was a tool Lundbeck did not previously have, it was liked
by chemists, leading to almost immediate and full adoption in the
chemistry groups.
The informatics group handles all logistics in research (compounds,
plates, animals, etc.) but the chemistry reagent logistics were still being
handled by an old ISIS-based application that was performing poorly.
The existing in-house compound logistics database functionality was
re-used and a new front-end with up-to-date functionality was created in
LSP, also incorporating a new workfl ow that would support reagent
ordering by local chemists but shipment directly to outsourcing partners.
Because of the huge increase in usability and functionality, and by
migrating systems over a weekend, an easy deployment with full adoption
was achieved.
One benefi t of investing time in re-building a fairly small reagent
application was also that it would enable a move of compound/reagent
registration into LSP. This was not an expressed need from the chemists
but was required to enable direct registration of compounds from our
outsourcing partners into the LSP database in Denmark. Shortly after the
reagent store deployment, the LSP compound registration form was
published as a Lundbeck extranet solution, where the chemistry partners
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