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is complete, the administrator clicks the 'Generate GEM' button and
TripleMap initiates a completely automated, comprehensive process
referred to as 'data stitching'. During data stitching, entities from the
originating sources are integrated based on a set of factors including labels
and associative predicates. TripleMap is able to automatically derive and
generate all of the integrated representations of entity properties, the
associations between entities and the full set of names, synonyms, and
symbols for each entity. This process of data import, integration, and
stitching can be conducted at any time for a TripleMap instance, and can
be run whenever new data become available, thereby allowing administrators
to continuously and iteratively update the master data network for users.
This full process of GEM creation and administration is performed
routinely for the public instance of TripleMap at .
One of the key advantages of the TripleMap GEM data core is that it
provides a mechanism through which administrators can set up and
maintain a large-scale, 'master' network of integrated data (Figure 19.2).
TripleMap users search and collaborate using this master data network.
This concept of a centralized data network differs from applications
where users upload data on a use-by-use basis in order to analyze and
interact with the data. Instead TripleMap is a comprehensive, continuously
updating system that provides a means of searching and interacting with
a large-scale, pervasive network of entity-relevant data and associations
between entities.
19.6 TripleMap semantic search interface
TripleMap is designed as a semantic search interface with the added
capability for users to store and share sets, or maps, of structured search
results. The sets of entities that are stored by users have both meta-data
properties and entity to entity associations and hence can also be viewed
as maps of those entities and the associations between them (Figure 19.3).
The left-hand panel of the web application contains a semantic search
interface including entity search, faceted fi ltering and quick link
capabilities. Users can drag and drop entities from their search results
into the knowledge map view in the right-hand panel. This interplay
between searching and collecting sets of entities in knowledge maps is at
the heart of the TripleMap usage paradigm. With one or more entities
selected, further connections are shown as icons and counts to the right
of the search panel. Users can see a list of all of their maps with the Maps
List view and also a printout of all properties of each entity as a 'Semantic
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