Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The TripleMap architecture. The GEM is the central
semantic data core of any given TripleMap instance
Figure 19.1
These sets are sub-networks of data derived from the full master data
network based on the user's interests. Maps can be shared and dynamically
updated thereby enabling collaborative knowledge sharing.
TripleMap proprietary GEM technology is based on a combination of
systems for integrating data across data sources and indexing those data
for high-performance search results, along with the use of a standards-
compliant triple store for storage of the originating data. Any of a number
of triple stores including bigdata®, Sesame, Allegrograph or 4Store can
be used with TripleMap. In current installations, the TripleMap
architecture in association with a standards-compliant triple store is
capable of handling >1 billion triples with millisecond time performance
for the return of search results.
In building a new instance of TripleMap, an administrator starts by
importing multiple data sources for integration into the GEM controller.
Once imported, the administrator determines which entities in the
originating data sources should be combined and represented in TripleMap.
The administrator then creates 'master entities' and through a simple
application interface ties entities from each data source through to the
appropriate 'master entities'. Once this data modeling and linkage process
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