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display of structured content and avoids presenting users with a blank
page. Figure 16.2 shows an example of form. Form fi elds support several
customisation parameters to mark them as required, control their display
type (pull down list, text fi eld, text area) and enable auto completion
from categories, properties, and even external sources to the wiki. Using
the optional HeaderTabs extension, it is also possible to simplify complex
forms by grouping fi elds into tabs.
The Data Transfer extension allows the creation of pages in bulk from
XML or CSV fi les. Batch creation of pages from fi les is critical to help
users when content is already available in a structured form. The External
Data extension allows embedding of live content from remote sources
directly inside wiki pages. The extension supports XML or JSON feeds,
as well as MySQL and LDAP connections.
Several specialised extensions are also available. For instance the
Pubmed extension shown in Figure 16.3 allows the retrieval of full
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
Page template corresponding to the form in
Figure 16.2. The abstracts listed in the Pubmed ID
fi eld were automatically extracted from a query to the
Pubmed database using only two identifi ers
Figure 16.3
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