Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Semantic Form in action. The form elements defi ne a
standard list of annotations for a page category while
the free text area allows for capture of manual text
and annotations
Figure 16.2
Semantic MediaWiki also provides a mechanism to query these properties,
turning a wiki into a free form, collaborative database. Creating complete
applications within the wiki comes down to selecting the right annotations.
For example, adding a URL property to pages instantly turns a wiki into a
social bookmarking tool. Add a date to create blogs or new feeds or add a
geographic location to create an event planner. With the help of some
extensions such as Semantic Forms and Semantic Results Formats, Semantic
MediaWiki allows for a wide range of applications, such as question and
answer tools, glossaries or asset management systems. Finally, a signifi cant
part of MediaWiki's fl exibility comes from several hundred extensions
developed by a very active community to extend its capabilities.
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16.3.2 Import and export of content
Useful content for an Enterprise Encyclopaedia rarely exists in a vacuum.
Fortunately, many MediaWiki extensions exist to simplify import of content.
Semantic Forms make manual entries as easy as possible. Using forms
to encapsulate semantic annotations allows standardised capture and
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