Biomedical Engineering Reference
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These features are born out of real needs in collaborative knowledge
management and make MediaWiki a solid base for an Enterprise
Encyclopaedia. The addition of Semantic MediaWiki's simple system of
annotations augments this fl exibility, as it is generic enough to adapt to
most applications. Semantic relationships are much more than the system
of tags and simple taxonomies often found in content management
systems. They can be seen as tags with meaning, turning each wiki page
as the subject of these relationships. For example, the page about the
acronym 'BU' may be annotated with an embedded semantic property in
the format: [[Has meaning::Business Unit]] . This annotation creates a
triple between the subject (the page titled 'BU'), the object ('Business
Unit') and a predicate (the relationship 'Has meaning'). Figure 16.1 shows
an example of semantic annotations using the 'Browse Properties' view of
a wiki page. This default view allows for a visual inspection of annotations
captured in a wiki page as well as links to view linked pages and query for
pages with the same annotations. This view is generated automatically
by Semantic MediaWiki and is independent from the actual wiki page.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
An example of semantic annotations. The 'Browse
Properties' view of a wiki page provides a summary
of semantic properties available for query inside of a
wiki page
Figure 16.1
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