Biomedical Engineering Reference
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much one-directional and although we consume open source technology
and focus on the must-win problems that immediately affect our
business, we would hope to work more closely with the open source
community and of course make any improvements to any code publically
14.11 Thanks and Acknowledgements
The work described here has been completed over the course of three
years. There are many people that have contributed to this and we can't
hope to thank everyone. We would especially like to thank the following
Mark Robertson, without his scientifi c acumen we might still be
building IT systems for the sake of IT, Chris Duckett and Graham Cox
(Tessella) for their patience and great coding skills, Caroline Hellawell
for her continued support and biological understanding, Jamie Kincaid
(Accelrys) for being able to rationalise and interpret our ideas, Ian Dix
for sponsoring our activities through Knowledge Engineering activities in
AstraZeneca, John Fish for believing in us and providing us the original
funding that got this off the ground in the fi rst place, and last but certainly
not least, Ruben Jimenez (OpenQ) and Otavio Freire (OpenQ) who
originally introduced us to SOLR three years ago. Little did we realise
how important that technology choice would prove to be in making any
of this possible.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
14.12 References
[1] SOLR. at
[2] Apache Tika. at
[3] 'xml.etree.ElementTree' library at
[4] Schuemie MJ, et al. Peregrine: lightweight gene name normalization by
dictionary lookup . Proceedings of the Biocreative 2 workshop. Madrid
[5] Prefuse at .
[6] Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). at
[7] Pipeline Pilot. Accelrys at
[8] Langtry HD, Markham A. Sildenafi l: A review of its use in erectile
dysfunction. Drugs 1999;57(6):967-89.
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