Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
A screenshot of the Atlas Of Science system. Key
elements are the ability to search (top left), identify
individual facets (bottom left), main interaction
window (centre), query terms (top right) and converted
XML results (bottom right). This approach allows users
to surf over the information rapidly to fi nd new trends
and themes
Figure 14.9
found or by signifi cance. The signifi cance calculation gives extra
weighting to terms that appear more often with the main search query
than without;
hierarchical visualisations. There are three different hierarchical views,
force, radial and starburst as shown in Figure 14.10. These all show a
tree that represents the key words in the current result set. Each one
uses a different layout algorithm for the tree. The centre of the tree
represents the main search that you have typed into the search panel.
A sub group is added to the tree for each category of key words, and
the top key words shown for each category are shown. The size of
each node is weighted to represent the total or signifi cance score
relative to the rest of the nodes in its category.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
Atlas Of Science is also highly interactive. At any time it is possible to
view the documents associated with the data in a search just by right-
clicking on the relevant part of the key word list or visualisation.
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