Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
A screenshot of the tags.pfi social
bookmarking service page from the R&D Application
catalogue. This catalogue contains a collection of
pages describing the various applications available to
the R&D community. Each page provides a high-level
description of the application along with links to full
help and support pages also within Pfi zerpedia
Figure 13.6
and social clubs. Thus, Pfi zerpedia is much more than a collection of
factual pages; it is a tool that enables groups to collaborate, share and
fi nd information.
Pfi zerpedia has grown from an experimental instance for the R&D
community (originally hosted on a PC under a colleague's desk) into a
solution that is being adopted across the whole company. As the number
of users and volume of content has grown, we have started to examine
how we can automate some of the more common tasks associated with
managing a wiki, known as 'wiki gardening'. This involves prompting
when content may need to be updated and applying appropriate
categories, templates and banners across many pages. MediaWiki caters
for this via an Application Programming Interface (API), allowing for the
creation of 'bots' that can be scheduled to automatically retrieve and
update pages. Bots can be programmed in a number of different computer
languages including Java, .Net and Python.
In choosing to use MediaWiki as the solution for Pfi zerpedia, we made
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