Biomedical Engineering Reference
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[25] Boitier E, et al. A comparative integrated transcript analysis and functional
characterization of differential mechanisms for induction of liver
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[26] Hoffmann D, et al. Performance of novel kidney biomarkers in preclinical
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[27] Collins BC, et al. Use of SELDI MS to discover and identify potential
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[28] InnoMed PredTox:
[29] EFPIA:
[30] IMI:
[31] GeneData:
[32] Smith B, et al. The OBO Foundry: coordinated evolution of ontologies to
support biomedical data integration. Nature Biotechnology 2007;25:1251.
[33] OBI:
[34] Martens L, et al. Data standards and controlled vocabularies for proteomics.
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[35] Rosse C and Mejino JLV. A reference ontology for biomedical informatics:
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[36] Degtyarenko K, et al. ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities
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[37] Unit Ontology:
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[40] Sansone SA, et al. The metabolomics standards initiative. Nature
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[41] ISA on GitHub:
[42] Szalma S, et al. Effective knowledge management in translational medicine.
Journal of Translational Medicine 2010;19(8):68.
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