Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Overview of the ISA-Tab format, a general purpose
framework with which to collect and communicate
complex meta-data (i.e. sample characteristics,
technologies used, type of measurements made) from
experiments employing a combination of technologies
Figure 7.1
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
in the other fi les; (2) to relate Assay fi les to Study fi les; and, optionally,
(3) to relate each Study fi le to an Investigation (this only becomes necessary
when two or more Study fi les need to be grouped). The declarative sections
cover general information such as contacts, protocols and equipment, and
also - where applicable - the description of terminologies and other
annotation resources that were used. The Study fi le contains contextualizing
information for one or more assays, for example the subjects studied; their
source(s); the sampling methodology; their characteristics; and any
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