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Utilizing open source software
to facilitate communication of
chemistry at RSC
Aileen Day, Antony Williams,
Colin Batchelor, Richard Kidd and
Valery Tkachenko
Abstract: The Royal Society of Chemistry is one of the world's
premier chemistry publishers and has an established reputation for
the development of award-winning platforms such as Prospect and
ChemSpider. Using a small but agile in-house development team, we
have combined commercial and open source software tools to
develop the platforms necessary to deliver capabilities to our
community of users. This topic chapter will review the systems that
have been developed in-house, what they deliver to the community,
the challenges encountered in developing our systems and utilizing
open source code, and how we have extended available code to
make it fi t-for-purpose.
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Key words: ChemSpider; cheminformatics; wikis; ontologies;
OSCAR; OpenBabel; JSpecView.
3.1 Introduction
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is the largest organization in
Europe with the specifi c mission of advancing the chemical sciences.
Supported by a worldwide network of 47 000 members and an
international publishing business, our activities span education,
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