Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 7.35 A-P X-ray of an osteoarthritic right shoulder with rotator cuff arthropathy in a 67
year old man with intractable pain, weakness and limited range of motion
the attachments of the subscapularis and infraspinatus. After sequential reaming,
a 52.5 mm femoral resurfacing component was placed on the proximal humerus to
fully cover the tuberosities and articulate with the glenoid and acromion process,
providing smooth articulation to both with no areas of impingement (see
resurfacing THR procedure in the hip chapter). A downward distraction of the
prosthesis of one centimeter was possible under the acromion. Without
distraction, the prosthesis maintained contact with the acromion process. The
intra articular remnant of the biceps tendon was used to augment the anterior
capsular remnant to cover the prosthesis anteriorly, followed by a routine closure
of the delto-pectoral interval. Post-operative Course
The patient had an uneventful post-operative course with skin staple removal after
8 days and pendulum, circumduction and passive pulley exercises performed at
home for 6 weeks followed by wall crawling and gradual resistive exercises to
tolerance. After 8 weeks, the patient was pain free and his sensation of instability
had much improved. He could reach his far shoulder, the top of his head, behind
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