Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
* Function:
void USBStallHandler(void)
* PreCondition:
A STALL packet is sent to the host by the SIE.
* Input:
* Output:
* Side Effects:
* Overview:
The STALLIF is set anytime the SIE sends out a STALL
packet regardless of which endpoint causes it.
A Setup transaction overrides the STALL function. A stalled
endpoint stops stalling once it receives a setup packet.
In this case, the SIE will accepts the Setup packet and
set the TRNIF flag to notify the firmware. STALL function
for that particular endpoint pipe will be automatically
disabled (direction specific).
There are a few reasons for an endpoint to be stalled.
1. When a non-supported USB request is received.
2. When an endpoint is currently halted.
3. When the device class specifies that an endpoint must
stall in response to a specific event.
Example: Mass Storage Device Class
If the CBW is not valid, the device shall
STALL the Bulk-In pipe.
See USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-only Transport
Specification for more details.
* Note: UEPn.EPSTALL can be scanned to see which endpoint causes
* the stall event.
* If
void USBStallHandler(void)
* Does not really have to do anything here,
* even for the control endpoint.
* All BDs of Endpoint 0 are owned by SIE right now,
* but once a Setup Transaction is received, the ownership
* for EP0_OUT will be returned to CPU.
* When the Setup Transaction is serviced, the ownership
* for EP0_IN will then be forced back to CPU by firmware.
* NOTE: Above description is not quite true at this point.
It seems the SIE never returns the UOWN bit to CPU,
and a TRNIF is never generated upon successful
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