Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Electrical stimulation, physiological stimulation, etc.
Electrical activation
Electrical activation
Neuronal activity
Trophic responsiveness
Electrical activity
Glutamate, etc.
Ca 2+
Glia-vascular coupling
Blood flow
Blood vessel
Figure 2.1 Electrical activity-dependent neuroprotection. Neuronal activity or exoge-
nous electrical activation triggers various responses that act together to promote neu-
ronal survival and improve neuronal function. NTFs, neurotrophic factors.
neuroprotection. Neuronal activity exerts neuroprotective effect directly
on the neurons or through neural networks by inducing endogenous neu-
roprotective agents or transferring these agents to each other. Neuronal
activity also acts on glial cells to induce the production or release of neu-
rotrophic factors to exert neuroprotection. In addition, neuronal activity
indirectly stimulates vascular cells mediating the glial cells to release neu-
rotrophic factors, glucose, and oxygen from blood vessels. Thus, studies of
neuronal activity-dependent cell survival started from understanding the
mechanism of electrical activity-dependent neuronal survival in vitro and
advanced to understand the relationship between neuronal activity and
neurovascular coupling between neurons, glial cells, and vascular cells
for the neuronal activity-dependent neuronal survival. Based on these
experiments, much progress has been achieved in understanding neuro-
protective effects of neuroprostheses and recovery of neural function by
rehabilitation. It is expected that these findings will be applied to treatments
as a standard therapy.
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