Databases Reference
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<Attribute AttributeId=" subject-id " DataType="string">
<AttributeValue> Robert </AttributeValue> </Attribute>
<Attribute AttributeId=" role " DataType="string">
<AttributeValue> Reviewer </AttributeValue>
<Resource scope="EntireHierarchy">
<rs:review summary xmlns:rs="urn:review summary:schema">
<rs:paper id="0120">XML Policy Model</rs:paper>
<rs:result status="final">Accept</rs:result>
</rs:review summary>
<Attribute AttributeId=" resource-id " DataType="xpath-expression">
<AttributeValue> //rs:review summary/rs:entry[position()=1]
<Attribute AttributeId=" action-id " DataType="string">
<AttributeValue> read </AttributeValue>
Fig. 6. XACML Request Context Sample
Fig. 7. XACML Response Context Sample
it implements its interface to grant access from callers. WS-Policy is critical
to achieve interoperability for the high-level functional operation of the Web
Unlike XACL and XACML, WS-Policy defines a wrapper to hold one
or more policy assertions. The wrapper itself has limited semantics, leaving
the details to the policy assertions from various domains such as security ,
privacy , application priority , user account priorities ,and traffic
control .
Some of these assertions specify traditional requirements and capabilities
that will ultimately be manifested on the wire (i.e., security, trac control).
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