Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
δ (Operation, recipient )=Recipient
δ (Operation, notes )=Notes;
δ (Operation, value )=Value
δ (Account Operation, @bankAccN )= q fin
δ (Account Operation, @Id )= q fin
δ (Request, @number )= q fin
The schema automaton defined accepts the same paths allowed by the
considered DTD. Specifically, L ( M G ) is equal to: /account operation ,
/account operation/@Id , /account operation/@bankAccN ,
/account operation/request , /account operation/request/@number ,
/account operation/request/date , /account operation/request/means ,
/account operation/request/notes ,
/account operation/operation ,
/account operation/operation/type ,
/account operation/operation/amount ,
/account operation/operation/recipient ,
/account operation/operation/notes ,
/account operation/operation/value .
The second step of the static ana lysis method consists in building the
access control automata M Γ and M Γ , for each of the three groups of users
considered. For the sake of simplicity, we represent only the language of the
BankEmployee L ( M Γ )=
( Σ E ) ·
( Σ A
account operation
StatisticalAnalyst L ( M Γ )=
( Σ E )
( Σ A
account operation
( Σ E ) ·
( Σ A
{ notes
Client L ( M Γ )=
( Σ E ) ·
( Σ A
); L ( M Γ )=
( Σ E ) ·
account operation
( Σ A
is the set difference operator, is the
nil character, and ( Σ E ) represents any string in Σ E .
Consider now the XQuery expression introduced in Example 2. The cor-
responding XPath expressions, classified on the basis of the clause they are
represented in, are:
is the concatenation operator,
FOR, LET, ORDER BY ,WHERE : /account operation ;
/account operation/operation/type
RETURN : account operation/operation/amount ;
account operation/operation/recipient ;
account operation//notes
record/operation/notes .
On the basis of the static analysis, it is possible to classify the requests
submitted by users. As an example, consider the following requests.
BankEmployee requests /account operation/operation/type : the re-
quest is always granted ;
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