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Table 1. Examples of location-based predicates
inarea ( user, area )
Evaluate whether user is located within area .
disjoint ( user , area )
Evaluate whether user is outside area .
distance ( user , entity ,
min dist , max dist )
Evaluate whether distance between user and
entity is within interval [ min dist , max dist ].
Movement velocity ( user ,
min vel ,
Evaluate whether user 's speed falls within
range [ min vel , max vel ].
max vel )
Interaction density ( area , min num ,
max num )
Evaluate whether the number of users cur-
rently in area falls within interval [ min num ,
max num ].
local density ( user , area ,
min num , max num )
Evaluate the density within a 'relative' area
surrounding user .
symbolic model (i.e., with reference to entities of the real world such as, for
example, cells, streets, cities, zip code or buildings) [12].
Predicates are expressed as boolean queries of the form predi-
cate ( parameters, value ). Table 1 illustrates some examples of location predi-
Example 1. Let alice be a user identifier, and Milan and Director Office
be two map regions. Three simple examples of location-based conditions are
the following.
inarea( alice , Milan ) : request alice to be located in Milan .
velocity( alice , 70 , 90 ) : request alice to travel at a speed included in the
interval [ 70,90 ] .
density( Director Office , 0 , 1 ) :
Director Office .
2.2 Location-based Access Control Policies
Location-based access control policies can be considered as a means for en-
riching the expressive power of existing access control languages (e.g., [11, 13,
14, 15]) by introducing location-based predicates. We assume access control
rules to be triples whose elements are generic boolean formula over the sub-
ject, object, and action domains. Formally, an access control rule is defined
as follows.
Definition 1 (Access control rule). An access control rule is a triple of
the form
subj expr , obj expr , action
subj expr is a boolean formula of terms referring to a set of subjects de-
pending on whether they satisfy or not certain conditions that can evaluate
the user's profile/information, location predicates, or the user's member-
ship in groups, active roles, and so on;
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