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Definition 3 ([11]). Given a QI-group, use n 1 , n 2 , ..., n m to denote the num-
ber of tuples having the most, 2nd most, ..., the least frequent sensitive values
in the group, respectively. The QI-group obeys recursive ( c, l )-diversity ,if
the next inequality holds 1 :
n 1
( n l + n l +1 + ... + n m ) ,
where c is a certain constant, and l is an integer at most m.
For instance, the last QI-group in Figure 2 satisfies recursive (2, 3)-diversity.
Specifically, for that QI-group, n 1 =2,and n 2 = n 3 = 1. Setting c to 2 and l
to 3, Inequality 1 becomes 2
It is not hard to observe an interesting connection between Definitions 2
and 3. A QI-group obeys ( c, l )-diversity, if and only if, after eliminating the
tuples with any l different sensitive values, the remaining set of tuples still
obeys frequency c
c +1 -diversity. This connection leads to a crucial property
of Definition 3: if all the QI-groups in a generalized table satisfy recursive
( c, l )-diversity, an adversary can correctly discover the sensitive value of an
individual with probability at most c/ ( c + 1), provided that the adversary can
preclude at most l
2 values as belonging to the victim individual.
We have discussed three different versions of l -diversity. Machanavajjhala
et al. formulate several other versions, as can be found in [11], which also
explains the computation of generalized tables conforming to this principle.
Currently, we are not aware of any published work on the hardness of finding
the optimal l -diverse table that minimizes a certain information-loss metric.
Nevertheless, it appears that the problem should be NP-hard for most metrics.
In any case, l -diverse generalization also inherits the defect of k -anonymity
that the amount of information loss will be inevitably large, when the number
of QI-attributes is high. This defect can have rather negative influences on the
utility of the published table, as discussed in the next section.
So far our discussion has employed generalization as the underlying
anonymization framework. In this section, we proceed to introduce another
framework: anatomy. As with generalization, anatomy can be combined with
k -anonymity and l -diversity. The following analysis focuses on l -diversity, due
to its obvious advantages over k -anonymity. In particular, we adopt frequency
l -diversity (Definition 2), to avoid the complication of recursive ( c, l )-diversity.
Accordingly, we will assume that probabilistic homogeneity attacks are the ob-
jective of privacy protection. The discussion in this section, however, can be
extended to k -anonymity and other versions of l -diversity in a straightforward
1 In the original proposition of [11], the “
” in Inequality 1 is “ < ”. We adopt “
here to simplify discussion, but the rationale extends naturally to “ < ” as well.
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