Databases Reference
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5. Francois Bancilhon and Nicolas Spyratos. Protection of information in relational
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7. R. Bayardo and R. Agrawal. Data privacy through optimal k-anonymization.
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8. Alin Deutsch and Yannis Papakonstantinou. Privacy in database publishing. In
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9. Alin Deutsch and Val Tannen. Reformulation of XML queries and constraints.
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10. R. Fagin, P. Kolaitis, R. Miller, and L. Popa. Data exchange: Semantics and
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12. K. LeFevre, D. J. DeWitt, and R. Ramakrishnan. Incognito: Ecient full-
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13. Maurizio Lenzerini. Data integration: A theoretical perspective. In ACM Sym-
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14. Ninghui Li, Tiancheng Li, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian. t-closeness: Pri-
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15. Ashwin Machanavajjhala and Johannes Gehrke. On the eciency of checking
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16. Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Johannes Gehrke, Daniel Kifer, and Muthuramakr-
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17. Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Johannes Gehrke, Daniel Kifer, and Muthuramakrish-
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18. A. Meyerson and R.Williams. On the complexity of optimal k-anonymity. In
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19. Gerome Miklau and Dan Suciu. A formal analysis of information disclosure in
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20. Gerome Miklau and Dan Suciu. A formal analysis of information disclosure
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21. Alan Nash and Alin Deutsch. Privacy in GLAV information integration. In
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