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work attacker classes considered
[8] all P a ;
secret-focused P S
[19, 20] independent-tuple P it
[16, 17] l-pruning
P u ⊂LP⊂ P S
P it ⊂P a
[23, 24] uniform distribution P u = {u}
Fig. 2. Classes of attackers considered by privacy guarantees in various works
k-Anonymous Views. An intriguing idea introduced by Jajodia et al
in [25] is to apply the notion of k-anonymity to view-based publishing. The
setting is similar to generalization-based publishing: we have a single table R
with identity attributes ID and sensitive attributes S . The owner publishes
data from R via views expressed as conjunctive queries. It is assumed that re-
leasing all identifiers Π ID ( R ) and all sensitive attributes Π S ( R ) is acceptable
to the owner, but releasing the association between them is not.
Aview V is said to satisfy k -anonymity if for every identifier id
Π ID ( R ),
there are k distinct possible databases
R 1 ,...,R k }⊆
[ R ] V , each associating
id with a distinct sensitive value s 1 ,...,s k .
This guarantee can be connected to the GBP model as follows. Say that
an attacker is uniform secret-focused if he is described by a distribution on
databases which is generated by a uniform distribution on secrets. Given secret
, there is only one such uniform secret-focused distribution, δ S . Then view
V 's k-anonymity implies
,V, 1
S r },S r (
k ) .
are the views (considered a priori known to the attacker) Π ID ( R )and
Π S ( R ), and
S r is the secret association for tuple r , as defined in Section 4.1.
5 View-Based Versus Generalization-Based Publishing
The formalization of various privacy guarantees in terms of the GBP model
allows us to qualitatively compare view-based and generalization-based pri-
vacy guarantees.
Abstracting from the different expressive powers of the publishing func-
(views versus generalizations), the fundamental difference be-
tween these guarantees remains the class of probability distributions used to
model attackers.
The guarantee in [8] is the most conservative one, considering all types
of attackers (with the drawback of high complexity for deciding the extent-
dependent guarantees, and undecidability in the extent-independent case).
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