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m 1
c ( m l + m l +1 + ... + m o )
for some constant c . We say that g satisfies recursive ( c, l )-diversity for R ,
denoted r-div c,l ( g, R ), if for every r
R , r 's equivalence class satisfies recursive
( c, l )-diversity.
Example 10. The anonymized table in Fig. 1 satisfies recursive (1,2)-diversity.
Recursive ( c, l )-diversity has two immediate implications.
First, it enables owners to drop assumption A4 , thus extending applica-
bility of the guarantee to tables with duplicate sensitive values. Indeed, it is
easy to check that under assumptions A1 , A2 and A3 ,( c, l )-diversity im-
poses an upper bound of
1+ c on the attacker's a posteriori and a priori belief,
and hence on the belief revision that
S r holds. Recursive ( c, l )-diversity thus
provides defense even when assumption A4 is violated.
Second, recursive ( c, l )-diversity allows to relax assumption A3 to accom-
modate defense against background attacks. [16] shows that this guarantee
implies that regardless of which (at most) l
1 sensitive values are pruned
from r 's equivalence class as being unassociated to r [ ID ] (according to back-
ground information), the frequency of each remaining sensitive value in the
pruned equivalence class is at most
1+ c . This is the upper bound on the a
posteriori belief about secret
S r .
[17] discusses additional refinements of ( c, l )-diversity, relaxing the defini-
tion to allow for the disclosure of attributes for certain individuals with less
stringent privacy concerns. The authors also show that l-diversity is a prac-
tical notion, not only because it defends against more realistic attacks than
k-anonymity, but also because finding an optimal l-diverse generalization of a
table can be done no less eciently than finding an optimal k-anonymization.
Machanavajjhala et al. show how to exploit the structural similarity of the two
privacy notions to easily adapt to l-diversity the state-of-the-art techniques
developed for k-anonymity, such as the Incognito algorithm [12].
In the remainder of this section, we connect l-diversity to the GBP model.
Relationship to the GBP Model. The insight that when assumption A4
does not hold K-anonymity provides no guarantees, is also reflected in the
GBP model. Specifically, in the pathological case when all tuples in r 's equiv-
alence class share the same sensitive value, the posterior probability of
S r is
given by
∧A g ( R )] = mult( r [ S ] , [ r ] g )
P u [
S r |V
( R )
[ r ] g |
so from (5) we obtain that the only guarantee possible for
S r is
mult( r [ S ] ,R )
S r (
A g , 1
) .
This is a trivial guarantee, satisfied by any anonymization, including those in
which the secret
S r is completely exposed.
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