Databases Reference
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Note that V s is defined under multi-set semantics (it preserves duplicates),
thus revealing the distribution of sensitive values in the underlying popu-
lation for the benefit of statistical studies.
In addition, the owner contemplates a new data release: the table R
anonymized using publishing function
V s ( R ):=
t : S
R, t [ S ]= r [ S ]
A g which associates anonymized
quasi-identifiers with clear sensitive values. 3
Under assumption Util , the owner is not concerned about the attacker's
belief revision caused by seeing the sensitive values. The only revision she
wishes to bound is caused by considering
A g ( R ) on top of V s ( R ). To this
end, we adopt the following convention: a priori every attacker has access
to views V id ( R )and V s ( R ). We denote with
the publishing function
given by the pair of views V id ,V s . A posteriori refers to having released
A g ( R ) on top of
( R ).
For each proprietary tuple r
R , both the identity value r [ ID ] and the
sensitive value r [ S ] are known a priori to the attacker via views V id ,re-
spectively V s . The attacker is uncertain only about whether the two are
associated in R . To hide this association from the attacker, the owner de-
clares as secret the boolean query that checks the existence of some tuple
R which witnesses the association:
( r
R ) r [ ID ]= r [ ID ]
r [ S ]= r [ S ] .
S r :=
Note that the secret does not include the quasi-identifier attributes, as by
assumption A2 , these are known for every identifier anyway (via V id ).
Under assumption A3 , the owner guards only against a single type of at-
tackers, namely those who for lack of additional external knowledge deem
all possible databases equally likely. We model these attackers by the uni-
form probability distribution u on possible databases.
Denote the multiplicity of sensitive value s in table X with mult( s, X ).
Then it is easy to verify that, under assumptions A1 , A2 ,and A3 , the prob-
ability that id = r [ ID ] is associated to s = r [ S ]in R (i.e. that secret
S r
mult ( s,R )
holds) is a priori (i.e. after seeing
( R )) given by
. The a posteriori
mult ( s, [ r g )
probability (after seeing
. It follows that g offers the
following guarantee of bounded belief revision for secret
A g ( R )) equals
[ r ] g |
S r :
mult( r [ S ] , [ r ] g )
mult( r [ S ] ,R )
{u},S r (
A g ,
) .
[ r ] g |
This immediately yields that the anonymization of R via g satisfies the fol-
lowing privacy guarantee:
3 In practice, view V s ( R ) is released simultaneously with anonymized table
A g ( R )
(as its projection on S ), not prior to it. Our modeling is merely a means to capture
assumption Util .
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