Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
61. Kantarcioglu M., Vaidya J.: Privacy-Preserving Naive Bayes Classifier for Hor-
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62. Kargupta H., Datta S., Wang Q., Sivakumar K.: On the Privacy Preserving
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65. Kifer D., Gehrke J.: Injecting utility into anonymized datasets. SIGMOD Con-
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68. Lakshmanan L., Ng R., Ramesh G. To Do or Not To Do: The Dilemma of
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70. LeFevre K., DeWitt D., Ramakrishnan R.: Incognito: Full Domain K-
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72. LeFevre K., DeWitt D., Ramakrishnan R.: Workload Aware Anonymization.
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73. Li F., Sun J., Papadimitriou S. Mihaila G., Stanoi I.: Hiding in the Crowd:
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74. Lindell Y., Pinkas B.: Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. CRYPTO , 2000.
75. Liu K., Kargupta H., Ryan J.: Random Projection Based Multiplicative Data
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tions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , 18(1), 2006.
76. Liu K., Giannella C. Kargupta H.: An Attacker's View of Distance Preserving
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77. Machanavajjhala A., Gehrke J., Kifer D., and Venkitasubramaniam M.: l-
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78. Malin B, Sweeney L. Re-identification of DNA through an automated linkage
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80. Meyerson A., Williams R. On the complexity of optimal k -anonymity. ACM
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81. Mishra N., Sandler M.: Privacy vis Pseudorandom Sketches. ACM PODS Con-
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82. Mukherjee S., Chen Z., Gangopadhyay S.: A privacy-preserving technique for
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VLDB Journal , 2006.
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