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Finally, Zhou, Pang, and Tan [25] proposed creating queries to identify
the data elements in XML data that can be used for embedding watermarks.
The identifying queries are resilient against data reorganization and redun-
dancy removal through query rewriting. If an identified element is a leaf node,
watermark insertion is performed by modifying its value; otherwise, it is per-
formed by adding to or deleting its child nodes. The usability of XML data is
measured by query templates. The results of certain basic queries on the data
remain useful after watermarking or attacks.
The current research on database watermarking has been primarily focused
on how to embed and detect a watermark so that the embedded watermark
is robust or fragile against various database attacks. However, the study on
the impact of watermarking to database usability is relatively limited and
preliminary, especially in application contexts. This type of study is important
since one of the greatest concerns in database applications is the usability of
the data, which should not be affected by the watermarking process.
One future research direction is to model common database queries and
minimize the watermarking impact on those queries. It is possible that differ-
ent watermarking schemes should be designed to accommodate different types
of queries. Another future research direction is to model various database at-
tacks that exist in real-world settings. Special attention should be directed to-
ward the impact of those attacks on watermark design and database usability.
Finally, it is meaningful to collect typical real-world data sets, to standardize
database usability measurements and database attack models, and to bench-
mark/ evaluate/ compare various watermarking schemes for typical database
1. R. Agrawal and J. Kiernan. Watermarking relational databases. In Proceedings
of VLDB , pages 155-166, 2002.
2. E. Bertino, B. C. Ooi, Y. Yang, and R. Deng. Privacy and ownership preserving
of outsourced medical data. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on Data Engineering , pages 521-532, 2005.
3. D. Boneh and J. Shaw. Collusion secure fingerprinting for digital data. IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory , 44(5):1897-1905, 1998.
4. I.J. Cox, M.L. Miller, and J.A. Bloom. Digital Watermarking: Principles and
Practice . Morgan Kaufmann, 2001.
5. B. Gray and J. Gorelick. Database piracy plague. The Washington Times ,
March 1, 2004.
6. D. Gross-Amblard. Query-preserving watermarking of relational databases and
xml documents. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Principles of Database
Systems (PODS) , pages 191-201, 2003.
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