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many applications, valuable data cubes are outsourced to specialized parties
or provided for direct and interactive uses.
Guo et al. [9] proposed a robust watermarking scheme to protect the
owner's rights in data cube applications. The basic assumption is that all
watermarkable values in a data cube are numeric, and that small changes in a
small portion of these values are acceptable. For each cell in a data cube, the
owner of the data seeds a cryptographically secure pseudo-random sequence
with a secret key
in concatenation with the cell's feature at-
tributes. If
S 1 mod γ = 0, then the cell is selected to embed a watermark
bit; otherwise it is ignored. Given η watermarkable cells, roughly η/γ cells are
selected. For each selected cell, a bit position among ξ least significant bits is
selected to embed a mark bit in the same way as in Agrawal and Kiernan's
The most prevalent data cube operations are aggregation queries. To elim-
inate errors introduced by watermark to aggregation queries, a mini-cube is
constructed for each cell that is modified in watermark insertion. Suppose
that the value d ( X i ,Y j ,Z k ) of cell at position ( X i ,Y j ,Z k ) in a 3-dimensional
data cube is decremented by one in watermark insertion. Based on the posi-
tion of d ( X i ,Y j ,Z k ), three other cell values d ( X xc ,Y j ,Z k ), d ( X i ,Y yc ,Z k ), and
d ( X i ,Y j ,Z zc ) are selected. The values of these cells are incremented by one
so as to balance the deviation in any 1-dimensional aggregation (i.e., aggre-
gation along one feature dimension) that involves cell ( X i ,Y j ,Z k ). Similarly,
three more cell values d ( X xc ,Y j ,Z zc ), d ( X i ,Y yc ,Z zc ), and d ( X xc ,Y yc ,Z k )are
decremented by one, and one last cell value d ( X xc ,Y yc ,Z zc ) is incremented by
one. These seven cells, which are called the balance cells, form a mini-cube to-
gether with the watermarked cell ( X i ,Y j ,Z k ). With a mini-cube constructed,
any data cube aggregation that involves at least two cells in the mini-cube
remains unchanged after watermark insertion.
The mini-cube should be constructed such that: (i) the balance cells should
not be selected from any cell that is used in watermark insertion so as to avoid
interfering with the watermark insertion and detection; (ii) most aggregation
queries would involve at least two cells in the mini-cube; and (iii) the modifi-
cation to the balance cells should be minimal. Guo et al. [9] have shown that
this can be done effectively and eciently in real world applications even for
very large data cubes.
7.3 Streaming Data
A Robust Watermarking Scheme
Sion, Atallah, and Prabhakar [23] proposed a robust watermarking scheme
for streaming data. The scheme embeds a multi-bit watermark wm to an
infinite sequence of numerical data items x 1 ,x 2 ,... , which are normalized
in the interval (
0 . 5 , 0 . 5). The basic idea is to use some extreme values and
their neighboring values as watermark bit-carriers. An extreme value is a local
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