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Algorithm 4 Watermark verification in
G k
1: sort tuples in G k
in ascendant order according to their primary key hash //
Virtual operation
2: H = HMAC ( K,h 1 ); H = HMAC ( K,H|h 2 ); ... H = HMAC ( K, H|h q k )//
group hash, where h i ( i =1 , ···q k ) is the tuple hash of the i th tuple after ordering
3: W = extractBits ( H,q k / 2) // See lines 10-17 in Algorithm 2
4: for i =1 ,i<q k ,i = i +2 do
5: if h i ≤ h i +1 then
6: W [ i/ 2] = 0
7: else
8: W [ i/ 2] = 1
9: end if
10: end for
11: if W == W then
12: V = TRUE
13: else
15: end if
The embedding capacity can be further increased such that at most ln q k !
bits can be embedded into each group of q k selected tuples. The increase in
embedding capacity is illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1. Embedding capacity
q k 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
q k / 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
ln q k ! 15 42 74 110 148 188 230 273 318 363
is calculated the
same way as in Algorithm 2. Then, a watermark W = extractBits (
Given a group of q k selected tuples, a group hash
, ln q k !)
of length ln q k ! is derived from
. The watermark W is embedded into this
group by permuting the order of the tuples. The new order π can be easily cal-
culated using Myrvold and Ruskey's linear permutation unranking algorithm
[19] based on W :
1. π =(0 ,...,q k
2. unrank( q k ,W,π ) // see lines 4-5 below
3. return π
4. function unrank( q k ,W,π )// W is in integer form
5. if q k > 0 then swap π [ q k
The tuples in this group are re-arranged such that π indicates the order of
their tuple hash values.
1] and π [ W
mod q k ]; unrank( q k
1 ,
W/q k
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