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criteria (similar criteria are found in various frameworks, e.g., [16]). The fit
tuples set will then contain roughly
e elements.
The “fitness” selection step provides several advantages. On the one hand
this ensures secrecy and resilience and, on the other hand, it effectively “mod-
ulates” the watermark encoding process to the actual attribute-primary key
association. Additionally, this is the place where the cryptographic safety
of the hash one-wayness is leveraged to defeat invertibility attacks ( A5 ). If
Issue: is the data watermarked ? if yes
then what is the watermark string ?
a 3
a 7
a 9
bias true [1]
bias false [1]
a 2
g(i)=msb(H(i,k 2 ),log 2 (m))
a f(i)
Solution: slightly alter A ,
modulating some of its
("fit") values according to
a one-way hash of K and
a spread of the values of
the watermark w .
a 8
a 7
f(i)=msb(H(i w[g(i)],k 1 ),log 2 (n A ))
Fig. 12. Overview of multi-bit watermark encoding.
the available embedding bandwidth
is greater than the watermark bit-size
, error correcting codes (ECC) are deployed that take as input a desired
watermark wm and produce as output a string of bits wm data of length
e containing a redundant encoding of the watermark, tolerating a certain
amount of bit-loss, wm data = ECC.encode ( wm, e ).
Step Two. For each “fit” tuple T i , we encode one bit by altering T i ( A )to
become T i ( A )= a t where
t = set bit ( msb ( H ( T i ( K ) ,k 1 ) ,b ( n A )) , 0 ,wm data [ msb ( H ( T i ( K ) ,k 2 ) ,b ( N
e ))])
and k 2 is a secret key k 2
= k 1 . In other words, a secret value of b ( n A ) bits
is generated - depending on the primary key and k 1 - and then its least
significant bit is forced to a value according to a corresponding position in
wm data (random, depending on the primary key and k 2 ). The new attribute
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