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A different approach has been illustrated in [36], where the authors propose
an algebra for combining security policies together with its formal semantics.
Here, a policy, denoted P i , is defined as a set of triples of the form ( s,o,a ),
where s is a constant in (or a variable over) the set of subjects S , o is a constant
in (or a variable over) the set of objects O ,and a is a constant in (or a variable
over) the set of actions A . Policies of this form are composed through a set of
algebra operators whose syntax is represented by the following BNF:
E ::= id
E + E
E & E
o ( E,E,E )
T ( E )
( E )
T ::= τ id . E
where id is a unique policy identifier, E is a policy expression, T is a construct,
called template , C is a construct describing constraints, and R is a construct
describing rules. The order of evaluation of algebra operators is determined
by the precedence, which is (from higher to lower) τ , ., + and & and -, * and
The semantic of algebra operators is defined by a function that maps
policy expressions in a set of ground authorizations (i.e., a set of authorization
triples). The function that maps policy identifiers into sets of triples is called
environment , and is formally defined as follows.
Definition 1. An environment e is a partial mapping from policy identifiers
to sets of authorization triples. By e [ X/S ] we denote a modification of envi-
ronment e such that
e [ X/S ]( Y )= S if Y = X
e ( Y ) otherwise
The semantic of an identifier X in the environment e is denoted by [[ X ]] e =
e ( X ).
The operators defined by the algebra for policy composition basically re-
flect the features supported by classical policy definition systems. As an ex-
ample, it is possible to manage exceptions (such as negative authorizations),
propagation of authorizations, an so on. The set of operators together with
their semantic is briefly described in the following.
Addition (+). It merges two policies by returning their union.
[[ P 2 ]] e
Intuitively, additions can be applied in any situation where accesses can be
authorized if allowed by any of the component policies (maximum privilege
[[ P 1 + P 2 ]] e = [ P 1 ]] e
Conjunction (&). It merges two policies by returning their intersection.
[[ P 2 ]] e
This operator enforces the minimum privilege principle.
[[ P 1 & P 2 ]] e = [ P 1 ]] e
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