Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
k p : Denotes the private-key of the user. k p ∈{
0 , 1
s which is kept a secret
by the user.
s and is
k c : Denotes a key called the collection key of the user. k c ∈{
0 , 1
publicly known
m ,isa
Pseudo-Random Function: F :
0 , 1
0 , 1
0 , 1
pseudo-random function that takes a n
m bit string, a s -bit key and
maps it to a random m -bit string. F is publicly known.
Trapdoor function :Let T denote a trapdoor function which takes as
input, a private-key k p and a word w and outputs the trapdoor for the
word w , i.e., T ( k p ,w )= E k p ( w ) where E is a deterministic encryption
function. For a given document, we denote the trapdoor for the i th
by t i .
BuildIndex ( D , k p , k c ): This function is used to build the index for doc-
ument D . It uses a pseudo-random generator G which outputs random
string of size s . The pseudo-code of the function is given below.
Algorithm 1 : BuildIndex
1: Input: D, k p ,k c ;
2: Output: I D
/* The index for the document*/
4: I D = φ ;
5: for all w i ∈ D do
6: Generate a pseudo-random string s i using G ;
7: Compute trapdoor T ( w i )= E k p ( w i );
8: Compute ciphertext c i = T ( w i ) ⊕s i ,F k c ( s i ) ;
9: I D = I D ∪ c i ;
10: end for
11: Return I D ;
SearchIndex ( I D , T ( w )): Given the document index and the trapdoor
for the word w being searched, the SearchIndex functionality returns the
document D if the word w is present in it. The pseudo-code is given below.
Algorithm 2 : SearchIndex
1: Input: I D ,T ( w );
2: Output: D or φ
4: for all c i ∈ I D do
5: if c i ⊕ T ( w ) is of the form s, F k c ( s ) then
6: Return D ;
7: end if
8: end for
9: Return φ ;
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