Geoscience Reference
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field sampling indicated that semiautomated mapping of dense stands of Phragmites were 91%
accurate using a supervised classification approach. Results at Pointe Mouillee are discussed in the
larger context of the long-term goal of determining the ecological relationships between landscape
disturbance in the vicinity of wetlands and the presence of Phragmites .
We thank Ross Lunetta and an anonymous reviewer for their comments regarding this manu-
script. We thank Joe D'Lugosz, Arthur Lubin, John Schneider, and EPA's Great Lakes National
Program Office for their support of this project. We thank Marco Capodivacca, Karl Leavitt, Joe
Robison, Matt Hamilton, and Susan Braun for their help with the field sampling work. The EPA's
Office of Research and Development (ORD) and Region 5 Office jointly funded this project. This
publication has been subjected to the EPA's programmatic review and has been approved for
publication. Mention of any trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement
or recommendation for use.
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