HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
min=" number or string
number or string "
Not in HTML 4.01 . Specifies the lower boundary of the accepted value range for the ele-
ment. The min value defines the base for step operations. Applies to input types number ,
range , date , time , datetime , datetime-local , month , and week .
multiple ( multiple="multiple" in XHTML)
Not in HTML 4.01 . Indicates the user is allowed to specify more than one value. Applies
to file and email input types.
name=" text
text "
Assigns a name to the control; a script program uses this name to reference the control.
pattern=" JavaScript regular expression
JavaScript regular expression "
Not in HTML 4.01 . Specifies a regular expression against which the control's value is to
be checked. This is useful for making sure user input matches the format of the expected
value, for example, a telephone number or an email address. The title attribute can be
used with pattern to provide a description of the expected pattern/format of the input.
Applies to text , password , email , tel , search , and url input types.
placeholder=" number
number "
Not in HTML 4.01 . Provides a short (one word or short phrase) hint or example to help
the user enter the correct data or format. If a longer description is necessary, use the title
attribute. Applies to text , password , email , tel , search , and url input types.
readonly ( readonly="readonly" in XHTML)
Indicates that the form input may not be modified by the user. Applies to text , password ,
email , tel , search , url , number , date , time , datetime , datetime-local , month , and
week .
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