Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You will most likely receive a Shake Reduction warning indicating that the current image size is differ-
ent than the one you estimated with using the Shake Reduction filter. Click Yes to reset the blur trace
for the present size.
Transform the camera image so that it will fit in the blank picture frame.
7 With the Camera layer still active, choose Select > Load Selection to reload your selection; choose the
Content selection. The selection is now active.
8 Stay on the Camera layer, and then click the Add layer mask button ( ) at the bottom of the Layers pan-
el. The camera image is now inside the selection.
9 If you need to reposition the camera image inside the layer mask, unchain the mask from the camera im-
age by clicking the chain icon ( ) between the mask and the camera image in the Layers panel.
10 Click the Camera thumbnail (left of the mask) to activate only the camera image, not the mask, and
then use the Move tool to reposition the image inside the mask.
Unchain the mask from the camera image and select the camera image.
The image is cropped in the frame.
11 Choose File > Save; keep this file open for the next part of the lesson.
Changing the Blending mode
Next you will perform the final step: changing the blending mode of the Illustration layer.
1 Select the Illustration layer.
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