Graphics Programs Reference
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Alt/Option+click in between the layers. The result.
8 Now, position your cursor on the line separating the sky layer from the boy layer, and Alt/Option+click
the line. The clipping now extends up into the boy layer.
9 Position the cursor on the line separating the boy layer from the boy middle layer, and Alt/Option+click
again. The clipping mask is now extended to the boy middle layer.
10 Select the Move tool (
) and the Rounded Rectangle 1 layer. Click and drag to reposition the layer to see how the sky, boy, and
boy middle layers are clipped inside the shape.
You will now trim the layers to eliminate areas you don't need.
11 Choose Image > Trim; the Trim dialog box appears. Leave the settings at the default and click OK.
The image is trimmed down to the smallest possible size, without cropping out any image data.
Filtering your layers
A handy layer feature is the ability to filter layers. By filtering layers, you can easily locate layers based
upon attributes such as the kind of layer, the blending mode used, name, and more.
1 To experiment with the filter, click the Filter for type layers button ( ) to the right of the Pick a file type
drop-down menu.
2 Click the Filter for type layers button; only the selected type of layer appears. Note that when you click
Kind, you can choose from other attributes, such as Name, Effect, Mode, Attribute, and Color.
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