Graphics Programs Reference
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The clone source and results.
7 Press the ] (right bracket) key to enlarge the Clone Stamp brush. All the keyboard commands you re-
viewed for the Brush tool work with other painting tools as well.
8 Type 5 . By typing a numeric value when a painting tool is active, you can dynamically change the opa-
city. Start painting with the Clone Stamp tool again and notice that it is now cloning at 50 percent opa-
9 Type 0 (zero) to return to 100 percent opacity.
10 You have completed the experimental exercise using the Clone Stamp tool.
Choose File > Revert to go back to the original image.
Repairing fold lines
You will now repair the fold lines in the upper-right corner of the image.
1 Select the Zoom tool from the Tools panel, and if it is not already selected, choose the Resize Windows
To Fit check box in the Options bar. By selecting this check box, the window will automatically resize
when you zoom.
2 Click approximately three times in the upper-right corner of the image. There you see fold marks that
you will repair using the Clone Stamp tool.
Fold marks that you will repair.
3 Select the Clone Stamp tool ( ) from the Tools panel.
4 Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+click (Mac OS) on the image area to open the Brush Preset picker. Click
the Soft Round brush and change the Size to 13 pixels. Press Enter or the Return key.
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