Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
More than 2500 sections of steelwork were installed to complete the steel
structure of the Velodrome (photo courtesy of Mark Lythaby).
In earlier chapters the communication of a client's values was described
and how these values were used to influence the packaging of the pro-
gramme for procurement. The topic has also discussed how contract
strategy is formulated to deliver these client value requirements. The
activities described in Chapter 6 on supplier engagement identify those
supply chains with an interest in the programme opportunities, and
subsequently how the procurement process and procedures are deployed
and managed using eSourcing.
How appetite is generated during the procurement planning phase and
how the procurement plans for individual procurements are tested
through the use of the market soundings exercise have also been
described. The market sounding exercises help to anticipate which
organisations may be interested in responding to the procurement once
it is published. However, once a tender opportunity is published and is
live in the marketplace, no further dialogue around the procurement is
possible that might offer an advantage to one bidder over another and
lead to a challenge of the award decision later.
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