Information Technology Reference
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One key challenge that MIS and HCI researchers must attend to in order to strengthen the syn-
ergy is to clarify the theoretical relationship between the construct of usability from the HCI litera-
ture and the constructs of perceived usefulness and ease of use from the MIS literature. As Seffah
and Metzker (2004) point out, usability remains an ill-defined and confusing concept. Narrowly
defined, objective usability appears to function as a determinant of perceived ease of use (Venkatesh,
2000). However, other criteria such as satisfaction, learnability, performance, and effectiveness are
frequently subsumed under the label of usability (Seffah and Metzker, 2004). From my perspective,
the most important contribution of TAM has been to highlight the relatively important role of per-
ceived usefulness compared to perceived ease of use as a driver and predictor of user acceptance.
Treating usability as a catchall concept invites failure to distinguish usefulness from ease of use as
an important design criterion. HCI research in MIS has the promise of bringing together HCI
insights about how to design systems that are easy to use with MIS insights about how to design sys-
tems that are useful to, accepted by, and effective for their intended users.
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Seffah, A., and Metzker, E. The obstacles and myths of usability and software engineering. Communications
of the ACM , 47, 12 (2004), 71-76.
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