Information Technology Reference
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Table 16.1
Human Values (with Ethical Import) Often Implicated in System Design
Human Value
Sample Literature
Refers to people's physical, material,
Leveson (1991); Friedman, Kahn,
and psychological well-being
and Hagman (2003); Neumann (1995);
Turiel (1983, 1998)
Ownership and
Refers to a right to possess an object
Becker (1977); Friedman (1997b);
(or information), use it, manage it,
Herskovits (1952); Lipinski and Britz
derive income from it, and bequeath it
Refers to a claim, an entitlement, or a
Agre and Rotenberg (1998); Bellotti
right of an individual to determine
(1998); Boyle, Edwards, and Greenberg
what information about himself or
(2000); Friedman (1997b); Fuchs
herself can be communicated to
(1999); Jancke, Venolia, Grudin,
Cadiz, and Gupta (2001); Palen and
Dourish (2003); Nissenbaum (1998);
Phillips (1998); Schoeman (1984);
Svensson, Hook, Laaksolahti, and Waern
Freedom from
Refers to systematic unfairness
Friedman and Nissenbaum (1996); cf.
perpetrated on individuals or groups,
Nass and Gong (2000); Reeves and Nass
including preexisting social bias,
technical bias, and emergent social
Refers to making all people
Aberg and Shahmehri (2001);
successful users of information
Shneiderman (1999, 2000); Cooper and
Rejmer (2001); Jacko, Dixon, Rosa, Scott,
and Pappas (1999); Stephanidis (2001)
Refers to expectations that exist
Baier (1986); Camp (2000);
between people who can experience
Dieberger, Hook, Svensson, and
goodwill, extend goodwill toward
Lonnqvist (2001); Egger (2000); Fogg and
others, feel vulnerable, and
Tseng (1999); Friedman, Kahn, and
experience betrayal
Howe (2000); Kahn and Turiel (1988);
Mayer, Davis, and Schoorman (1995);
Olson and Olson (2000); Nissenbaum
(2001); Rocco (1998)
Refers to people's ability to decide,
Friedman and Nissenbaum (1997); Hill
plan, and act in ways that they believe
(1991); Isaacs, Tang, and Morris
will help them to achieve their goals
(1996); Suchman (1994); Winograd
Refers to garnering people's
Faden and Beauchamp (1986);
agreement, encompassing criteria of
Friedman, Millett, and Felten (2000);
disclosure and comprehension (for
The Belmont Report (1978)
“informed”) and voluntariness,
competence, and agreement (for
Refers to the properties that ensures
Friedman and Kahn (1992); Friedman and
that the actions of a person, people, or
Millet (1995); Reeves and Nass (1996)
institution may be traced uniquely to
the person, people, or institution
( continued )
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