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Table 6.2
Examples of Deliberate Decisional Guidance
Form of Guidance
Suggestive Guidance
Informative Guidance
Recommended operator
Description/Analysis of operators
Set of recommended operators
Comparison of operators
Ordered list of recommended operators
Map of relationships among operators
Set of operators not recommended
Record of behavior in similar contexts
History of activity this session
Recommended values
Description of required input values
Descriptions of how inputs will be used
Set of recommended values
Tables, graphs, or analyses of data
Ordered list of recommended values
Record of behavior in similar contexts
Set of values not recommended
History of activity this session
Source: Originally published in Silver, M.S. Decisional guidance for computer-based decision support. MIS
Quarterly , 15, 1 (1991), 113. Copyright © 1991, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Reprinted by permission.
Not surprisingly, most empirical studies of guidance have been in the domain of individual deci-
sion support. Behavioral studies have also applied the concept to group support and support for
conceptual data modeling. Table 6.3 summarizes the most prominent empirical work on deci-
sional guidance, and Figure 6.1 shows the studies organized by target and form of guidance. In
selecting studies, only empirical studies of user behavior that explicitly refer to decisional guid-
ance were included. Studies that focused on other system features that might be renamed or
reframed as decisional guidance were not included.
What can be learned from these studies? While a number of specific empirical findings are
reported that shed light on the effects of decisional guidance, these studies collectively teach us
that the definition of decisional guidance and the typology of deliberate decisional guidance
require clarification and modification. Because the studies differ in how they interpret the defini-
tion and operationalize the typology, we must be careful to construe the findings of each study in
light of its own interpretation of decisional guidance. In particular, great care must be taken in
attempting to generalize from the studies or to make comparisons across them. The foremost
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