Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 16-7:
Strip mining dis-
rupts and scars
the landscape.
The global appetite for resources, and particularly energy resources, is very uneven. The Un-
ited States alone accounts for about 26 percent of global energy consumption despite being
home to only about 4 percent of the world's population. All of the countries of South America
combined, in contrast, account for only 3.6 percent of global energy consumption, while those
of Africa account for 2.6 percent (see Figure 16-8). Its economy and standard of living, as op-
posed to sheer number of people, explain the high consumption figure for the United States.
Thus, it consumes 8 times as much energy annually than does India, which has more than 3
times as many people.
Figure 16-8: The
geo-graphy of
commercial en-
ergy con-sump-
Some people ponder the ethics of so few Americans consuming so much of the world's energy. But
perhaps the more critical consideration is all of the countries and peoples around the world who are
striving to raise their economies and living standards, and in so doing emulate American-style re-
source consumption. Assuming they meet with at least modest success, and adding the virtual cer-
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