Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Starting Location: The Ritz Hotel.
Nearest Tube Station: Green Park.
Length: I.75 miles.
The White Horse Cellar, which stood on the site of the Ritz, was a principal boarding
point for stagecoaches to the south and west, a three-storied building with a gallery
along the top overlooking the yard. Viewing the departure of the stages was a popular
amusement for Londoners and it would have been a noisy and crowded spot.
On the western corner of Arlington Street was the Bath Hotel where Jane stayed in June
1808. She was not impressed. 'At half after seven yesterday morning Henry saw us into our
own carriage, and we drove away from the Bath Hotel; which, by the bye, had been found
most uncomfortable quarters - very dirty, very noisy, and very ill-provided.'
The sign over the Ritz arcade fronting Piccadilly.
Cross Piccadilly and look up Dover Street. On the right, just after the Clarendon pub, was
No. 6, where from 1810 gunsmith John Manton had his shop. This was a popular meeting
place for gentlemen, where they could practise their shooting in the special gallery and prove
their skill by 'culping', or hitting a 'wafer' (a paper letter seal) used as a target. His brother,
and bitter rival, Joseph, had his shop in Davies Street, which enters the north-west corner of
Berkeley Square.
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