Graphics Reference
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Move the mouse cursor to a corner of the frame. It turns into a cross, which means
that you can click and drag to resize the corners and the sides of the frame to
include the desired nodes as shown in the following screenshot:
Resizing the Frame to comprise all the nodes
Box-select the nodes you want to arrange with the frame (in our case, all of them),
then press Shift , and select the frame (or just press A to deselect the frame and
box-select everything so that the frame is selected again as the active object).
Press Ctrl + P to parent them.
Now that the nodes are parented to the frame, we can select and move it, and all
the contained nodes will follow it as a single object.
It's still possible to select the single nodes inside the frames and arrange their
individual position and connections. To add a new node to the network, we will
do as usual (press Shift + A | …) and then parent it to the frame as well.
With the frame still selected, go to the Properties panel to the right of the Node
Editor window (Press N if not already present). Just like the case of single nodes,
in the Node subpanel, we can change the Name of the frame, assign a Label name
visible in the Node Editor window (I wrote BasicShader ), and also assign a color.
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